

Sustainable Drainage & Civil Engineering Design

With over 20 year’s experience, our engineering expertise can deliver fully integrated, cost effective, nature led, sustainable drainage and civil engineering designs that bring the benefits of water management, biodiversity enhancement within the landscape architecture and help bring a sense of place to the site. 

Cross section indicating integrated SuDS strategy

Our approach is to offer a clear and transparent engineering design service for clients from small glamping site owners or house holders looking to gain SAB (Sustainable Drainage Approval Body) approval in Wales, to larger education, residential, visitor destination and public realm projects that require flood mitigation and full coordinated foul and surface water drainage and civil engineering input.

Land Studio offers the full range of engineering services as standalone services but also holistically with landscape architecture and Building With Nature.


early concept and planning services

Land Studio can provide the following services early in the site assessment.

·        Review of existing drainage infrastructure and topography

·        Review of flood risk to assess the natural drainage and flood routes

·        Identification of risks and opportunities associated with the site.

·        Feasibility and optioneering studies

·        Vehicular Swept Path Analysis

·        Survey Coordination

Land Studio can also provide the following documentation for submission to the Local Planning Authority for inclusion with a Planning Submission.

·        Flood Risk Assessments or Flood Consequence Assessments (Wales)

·        Sustainable Surface Water Drainage Strategies

·        Foul Water Drainage Assessment

·        SAB pre application

·        Visual Imagery in support of a planning application


Land Studio can provide the following design services at detailed design through to construction of projects as standalone services or in conjunction with the landscape design.

·        Detailed foul and surface water drainage design

·        SuDS Designs

·        Section 104, 106 and 185 agreements with adopting water companies

·        Detailed private drainage design in accordance with Building Regulations Part H

·        External works pavement designs

·        External levels designs

·        Concept cut and fill analysis

·        Vehicle tracking

·        NBS Specifications

·        Liaison and Consents with the LLFA, EA, NRW and Water Authorities, Ordinary Watercourse Consent (LLFA) and Environmental Permits

We also work with strategic partners to provide civil and structural engineering support where required.