Why we think the new Green Infrastructure policy is a positive step for the built environment in Wales

In October of 2023, the Welsh Government made changes to the Planning Policy Wales (PPW) which now means all planning applications should include a ‘Green Infrastructure Statement’. With this change comes many questions about its implementation and what it means for developers large and small. Once it’s understood, we think you’ll find that this is a welcome change in the Welsh planning legislation and points towards a future where nature takes centre-stage no matter the project.

One might ask why this framework is included in the first place? To answer this, we should look at the bigger picture of green infrastructure. Put simply green infrastructure is the network of natural and semi-natural features, such as woodland, meadows, rivers, and lakes that form a variety of habitats for wildlife. Whilst protecting and enhancing such features undoubtedly has environmental benefits, the social, economic, and cultural gains cannot be overstated. Implementing guidelines for enhancing these spaces therefore has far greater advantages for the wider Welsh society.

What does this mean for developers? It means that for every planning application in Wales must be supported by a ‘Green Infrastructure Statement’. This statement should outline how the proposed development’s outcomes stand to protect, retain, restore, and create green features. The green infrastructure statement should incorporate guidelines established in the Building with Nature framework, whilst also following the ‘Step-wise’ approach. This step-by-step approach encourages the least environmentally impactful strategies, if early strategies are impractical the Step-wise approach offers a ‘last resort’ of off-site biodiversity compensation for unavoidable damage. Further information can be found here.

At Land Studio we are pleased that the Welsh government has decided to include a detailed and holistic approach to ensuring nature is integrated into all future developments irrespective of scale. We particularly like the emphasis on all aspects of green infrastructure i.e. incorporating water and flood risk provisions into the guidelines. It’s evident that the addition to the PPW aims to create long-standing legislation, which will encourage developments that put nature at their heart, for the prosperity of Wales’ diverse environments, communities, and culture.

As this is a National Policy for Wales it is required for all new planning applications. Following this step-wise approach, your application must include reference to how the development will mitigate its environmental impact, enhance existing biodiversity, and consider how the wider context and ecological connections can be addressed.

At Land Studio we are happy to aid you in the planning process with the addition of the green infrastructure statement. Our experience working on numerous projects in various sectors in Wales, coupled with two certified Building with Nature assessors makes us well equipped to navigate these changes to the PPW. With Landscape Architects that always take a nature-led approach, drainage engineers who are experts in SUDs, and a well-versed ecologist, we have everything necessary to help you with any queries regarding your planning application in Wales.


Will they, won’t they with Schedule 3?


Season’s greetings from Land Studio